Teaching Tools

Simulation is most effective when it is aligned with course content and focuses on specific learning objectives. This page provides activities to allow you to familiarize yourself with the purpose and application of simulation. It includes tips on how the methodology can be integrated within your class and examples of cases study scenarios. These activities serve as an introductory resource that will assist you in identifying the potential of this powerful teaching and learning approach.  We also offer a scenario template that can help you design your own scenarios as well as a specific feedback model to enhance your students' experience.

As you are interacting with the material provided within this page consider these questions:

  • What are my course objectives and how would this approach enhance learning for my students?
  • What issues or subject matter could be addressed within my class? These may include but are not limited to ethical dilemma, teamwork, cultural competence, conflict management and resolution, consultation. and delivering difficult news.
  • What particular skills do learners require? These may include communication, interviewing, critical thinking and reasoning, problem solving, decision making and more.


SPM Learning Module

This activity provides a brief quiz to get familiar with simulation person methodology as teaching learning tool.

Case Studies

Simulated person methodology is an approach that can be used within variety of disciplines. Here are some examples of case study scenarios and potential learning objectives that can be applied within your course.

Simulation: An Approach to Experiential Education

The foundation of experiential learning is that is allows students to make meaning from experience. Explore how simulation and specifically simulated personal methodology is an approach to experiential education.

Two-Minute Teaching Tips

This presentation provides an introduction and ways to think about how simulated person methodology can be applied within your class and its benefit as an experiential education tool.

The Flipped Classroom

Simulated person methodology is a versatile approach that can be used in a variety of ways. We present literature on how simulated person methodology can be used in the flipped-classroom.