The flipped-classroom format is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, usually online and outside of the classroom. It allows activities to move to an online format and use classroom time to embedded activities to enhance student learning; one such example is using simulated persons to bring meaning to content. The flipped-classroom format offers students opportunities for engagement and ownership of learning by enabling them to make sense of their views and perspectives and connect their personal and professional experiences. Student engagement and the infusion of active learning are core concepts of the educational process; given the present generation of students’ exhibited preference for digital literacy, experiential learning, interactivity, and immediacy, technology is increasingly being integrated into higher education milieus to enhance student involvement and knowledge attainment. Using simulated persons can augment the flipped classroom format by providing opportunities to meaningful learning.
Flipping the Classroom: A Pedagogical Approach to Applying Clinical Judgment by Engaging, Interacting, and Collaborating with Nursing Students. (2016). International Journal of Higher Education, 5(4).
Flipped class drives health-assessment principles home. (2017, March 16). YFile News.